01059 ![]() 说明:CBOL原文字典以并列的英文字典内容为根据,但是参考了希伯来文 与希腊文字典作过修正补充删减。因此内容与英文字典不同,敬请留意。 |
1059 Gamaliel {gam-al-ee-ale'} 源自希伯来文 1583; 阳性专有名词 钦定本 - Gamaliel 2; 2 迦玛列 = "我的报偿者是神" 1) 一位法利赛人,也是耶路撒冷知名的律法教师 ( 徒5:34 22:3 ) |
01059 Γαμαλιήλ, ὁ 人名 无变格 (גַּמְלִיאֵל -SH1583, 民1:10 2:20 等)「迦玛列」。法利赛人,在耶路撒冷是众百姓所敬重的教法师, 徒5:34 。根据 徒22:3 ,他是保罗的老师。* 说明 |
1059 Gamaliel {gam-al-ee-ale'} of Hebrew origin 01583];; n pr m AV - Gamaliel 2; 2 Gamaliel = "my recompenser is God" 1) a Pharisee and celebrated doctor of the law, who gave prudent worldly advice in the Sanhedrin respecting the treatment of the followers of Jesus of Nazareth. Acts 5:34 ff. (A.D.29.) We learn from Acts 22:3 that he was the preceptor of Paul. He is generally identified with the very celebrated Jewish doctor Gamaliel, grandson of Hillel, and who is referred to as authority in the Jewish Mishna. |