中文内容 | -(又名上帝临在的饼)
来 9:2
撒上 21:6
利 24:5-9
出 25:30 代下 2:4
尼 10:32,33
代上 9:32 23:29
撒上 21:6 太 12:3,4 可 2:25,26 路 6:3,4
-放在专门摆放陈设饼的桌子上 (见摆放陈设饼的桌子, 如下)
出 40:22,23
来 9:2
出 25:23-28 37:10-15
出 26:35 40:22
出 25:29,30 37:16 民 4:7
出 30:26,27,29
民 4:7,15
王上 7:48,50 代下 4:19,22
内容 | -(Also called THE BREAD OF THE PRESENCE)
Heb 9:2
1Sa 21:6
-Ordinance concerning
Le 24:5-9
-Required to be kept before the Lord continually
Ex 25:30 2Ch 2:4
-Provided by a yearly per capita tax
Ne 10:32,33
-Prepared by the Levites
1Ch 9:32 23:29
-"Unlawfully" eaten by David
1Sa 21:6 Mt 12:3,4 Mr 2:25,26 Lu 6:3,4
-Placed on the Table of Shewbread (see TABLE OF, below.)
Ex 40:22,23
Heb 9:2
-Ordinances concerning
Ex 25:23-28 37:10-15
-Its position in the tabernacle
Ex 26:35 40:22
-Furniture of
Ex 25:29,30 37:16 Nu 4:7
-Consecration of
Ex 30:26,27,29
-How removed
Nu 4:7,15
-For the temple
1Ki 7:48,50 2Ch 4:19,22