中文内容 | -一般经文
林前 9:20-23
-见 圆滑/机智/得体
创 21:22,23 26:26-31
.基遍人, 骗以色列人与他们签订条约
书 9:3-16
.耶弗他, 与摩押王交涉未果
士 11:12-28
撒上 25:23-31
.希兰, 与大卫友好
撒下 5:11
.陀以, 与大卫建交
撒下 8:9-10
.大卫, 差户筛至押沙龙宫中卧底
撒下 15:32-37 16:15-19 17:1-14
撒下 20:16-22
撒下 15:2-6
.所罗门, 与希兰结盟
王上 5:1-12 9:10-14,26,27 10:11
王上 20:31-34
王下 12:18
王下 16:7-9
.拉伯沙基, 高谈阔论, 夸大其词, 想劝降耶路撒冷
王下 18:17-37 19:1-13 赛 36:11-22
.参巴拉, 拦阻尼希米重建耶路撒冷
尼 6
.推罗人与西顿人, 博取希律 (亚基帕一世) 欢心
徒 12:20-22
.保罗, 受审时离间法利赛人和撒都该人
徒 23:6-10
.保罗, 为提摩太行割礼
徒 16:3
.保罗, 行驶某些圣殿仪式, 以安抚犹太信徒
徒 21:20-25 加 6:12
.政治败行: 尼布甲尼撒的宫廷官员欲置但以理于死地
但 6:4-15 |
内容 | -General scriptures concerning
1Co 9:20-23
.Of Abimelech
Ge 21:22,23 26:26-31
.The Gibeonites, in securing a treaty with the Israelites
through deception
Jos 9:3-16
.Of Jephthah, with the king of Moab, unsuccessful
Jud 11:12-28
.Of Abigail
1Sa 25:23-31
.Of Hiram, to secure the good will of David
2Sa 5:11
.Of Toi, to promote the friendship of David
2Sa 8:10
.David, in sending Hushai Absalom's court
2Sa 15:32-37 16:15-19 17:1-14
.The wise woman of Abel
2Sa 20:16-22
.Absalom winning the people
2Sa 15:2-6
.Solomon, in his alliance with Hiram
1Ki 5:1-12 9:10-14,26,27 10:11
.By intermarriage with other nations
1Ki 1:1-5
.Ambassadors from Ben-hadad to Ahab
1Ki 20:31-34
.Jehoash purchases peace from Hazael
2Ki 12:18
.Ahaz purchases assistance from the king of Assyria
2Ki 16:7-9
.Rab-shakeh, in trying to induce Jerusalem to capitulate by
bombastic harangue
2Ki 18:17-37 19:1-13 Isa 36:11-22
.Sanballat, in prevent the rebuilding of Jerusalem by
Ne 6
.The people of Tyre and Sidon, in securing the favor of Herod
(Agrippa I)
Ac 12:20-22
.Paul, in arraying the Pharisees and Sadducees against each
other at his trial
Ac 23:6-10
.Paul, in circumcising Timothy
Ac 16:3
.Paul, in performing certain temple services to placate
Jewish believers
Ac 21:20-25 Ga 6:12
.Corrupt practices in: The officers of Nebuchadnezzars court
to secure the destruction of Daniel
Da 6:4-15