中文内容 | - 猎食的飞禽
伯 9:26 太 24:28
- 不洁净
利 11:13 申 14:12
- 不同种类的鹰
利 11:13,18 结 17:3
- 称为空中的鹰
哀 4:19
- 被描述为
. 眼光长远
伯 39:29
. 敏捷
撒下 1:23
. 向天飞去
箴 23:5
- 间接提及鹰羽毛的能力
但 4:33
- 间接提及鹰翅膀宽大
结 17:3,7
- 间接提及鹰飞行的特质
箴 30:19
- 喜爱高耸的香柏木
结 17:3,4
- 居于高高岩石中
伯 39:27,28
- 用血喂食幼鹰
伯 39:29,30
- 用来说明
. 上帝仆人的智慧与热心
结 1:10 启 4:7
. 伟大有权能的君王
结 17:3 何 8:1
. (复原的力量与美丽,) 圣徒的更新
诗 103:5
. (教导幼鹰飞行的模式,) 上帝对他教会的照顾
出 19:4 申 32:11
. (鹰的翅膀,) 提供给教会的保护
启 12:14
. (鹰的向上飞翔,) 圣徒天路之旅的迅速进步
赛 40:31
. (鹰的快速,) 财富的消失
箴 23:5
. (鹰的快速,) 敌军的迅捷
申 28:49 耶 4:13 48:40 哀 4:19
. (居所又高又稳妥,) 恶人的稳妥虽令人欣羡, 却是毁灭
耶 49:16 俄 1:4
. (在脱毛的季节, 鹰愈发秃顶,) 灾难
弥 1:16
. (迅速攫捕猎物,) 人类的日子飞逝
伯 9:26
- 是罗马军队的军旗
太 24:15,28 |
内容 | - A bird of prey
Job 9:26 Mt 24:28
- Unclean
Le 11:13 De 14:12
- Different kinds of
Le 11:13,18 Eze 17:3
- Called the eagle of the heavens
La 4:19
. Long-sighted
Job 39:29
. Swift
2Sa 1:23
. Soaring to heaven
Pr 23:5
- Strength of its feathers alluded to
Da 4:33
- Greatness of its wings alluded to
Eze 17:3,7
- Peculiarity of its flight alluded to
Pr 30:19
- Delights in the lofty cedars
Eze 17:3,4
- Dwells in the high rocks
Job 39:27,28
- Feeds her young with blood
Job 39:29,30
. Of wisdom and zeal of God's ministers
Eze 1:10 Re 4:7
. Of great and powerful kings
Eze 17:3 Ho 8:1
. (Renewed strength and beauty of,) of the renewal of saints
Ps 103:5
. (Mode of teaching her young to fly,) of God's care of his
Ex 19:4 De 32:11
. (Wings of,) of protection afforded to the church
Re 12:14
. (Upward flight of,) of the saint's rapid progress toward
Isa 40:31
. (Swiftness of,) of the melting away of riches
Pr 23:5
. (Swiftness of,) of the swiftness of hostile armies
De 28:49 Jer 4:13 48:40 La 4:19
. (Height and security of its dwelling,) of the fancied but
fatal security of the wicked
Jer 49:16 Ob 1:4
. (Increase baldness of, in the moulting season,) of
Mic 1:16
. (Hasting to the prey,) of the swiftness of man's days
Job 9:26
- Was the standard of the Roman armies
Mt 24:15,28