内容 | - Foretold
Isa 42:7 61:1
. By God
Col 1:13
. By Christ
Ga 4:3-5 5:1
. By the Holy Spirit
Ro 8:15 2Co 3:17
. Through the gospel
Joh 8:32
- Confirmed by Christ
Joh 8:36
- Proclaimed by Christ
Isa 61:1 Lu 4:18
- The service of Christ is
1Co 7:22
. The law
Ro 7:6 8:2
. The curse of the law
Ga 3:13
. The fear of death
Heb 2:15
. Sin
Ro 6:7,18
. Corruption
Ro 8:21
. Bondage of man
1Co 9:19
. Jewish ordinances
Ga 4:3 Col 2:20
- Called the glorious liberty of the children of God
Ro 8:21
- Saints are called to
Ga 5:13
. Praise God for
Ps 116:16,17
. Assert
1Co 10:29
. Walk in
Ps 119:45
. Stand fast in
Ga 2:5 5:1
. Not abuse
Ga 5:13 1Pe 2:16
. Not offend others by
1Co 8:9 10:29,32
- The gospel is the law of
Jas 1:25 2:12
. Promise, to others
2Pe 2:19
. Abuse
Jude 1:4
. Try to destroy
Ga 2:4
- The wicked, devoid of
Joh 8:34 Ro 6:20
- Typified
Le 25:10-17 Ga 4:22-26,31