中文内容 | - 早期穿鞋的记载
创 14:23
- 称为带子鞋
可 6:9 徒 12:8
- 鞋底有时镀了铜或铁
申 33:25
- 鞋带系在鞋上, 把脚包住
约 1:27 徒 12:8
- 贵妇的鞋子
. 往往用海狗皮制成
结 16:10
. 往往装饰华丽
歌 7:1
. 可能往往缀上叮当响的饰品
赛 3:18
- 为别人解鞋带是降格的职务
可 1:7 约 1:27
- 为别人提鞋是降格的职务, 只有奴仆才会这么做
太 3:11
- 犹太人
. 踏上旅途之前要先穿鞋
出 12:11
. 哀悼时从不穿鞋
撒下 15:30 赛 20:2,3 结 24:17,23
. 踏上圣地时要脱鞋
出 3:5 书 5:15
- 长途跋涉, 鞋就破旧
书 9:5,13
- 以色列人在旷野旅行时, 上帝保守他们鞋子四十年不坏
申 29:5
- 往往用鞋子行贿
摩 2:6 8:6
- 跟鞋子有关的习俗
. 脱了不肯娶守寡嫂子的人脚上的鞋, 以示耻辱
申 25:9,10
. 人把一只鞋子交给近亲, 表示放弃买赎某物的权利
得 4:7,8
- 耶稣不许使徒在旅途中除了脚上穿的鞋子之外还携带其他鞋子
太 10:10 可 6:9 路 10:4
- 用来说明
. 预备传福音
弗 6:15
. 赋予圣徒的荣美
歌 7:1 路 15:22
. (鞋上沾了血,) 参与战争、屠杀
王上 2:5
. (把鞋脱下,) 可耻而奴颜婢膝的情况
赛 47:2 耶 2:25
. (把鞋丢在某地,) 征服
诗 60:8 108:9 |
内容 | - Early use of
Ge 14:23
- Called sandals
Mr 6:9 Ac 12:8
- Soles of, sometimes plated with brass or iron
De 33:25
- Bound round the feet with latchets or strings
Joh 1:27 Ac 12:8
. Often made of badgers' skins
Eze 16:10
. Often highly ornamental
So 7:1
. Probably often adorned with tinkling ornaments
Isa 3:18
- Loosing of, for another a degrading office
Mr 1:17 Joh 1:27
- Bearing, for another a degrading office, only performed by
Mt 3:11
. Put on, before beginning a journey
Ex 12:11
. Never wore, in mourning
2Sa 15:30 Isa 20:2,3 Eze 24:17,23
. Put off, when they entered sacred places
Ex 3:5 Jos 5:15
- Worn out by a long journey
Jos 9:5,13
- Of Israel preserved for forty years, while journeying in the
De 29:5
- Often given as bribes
Am 2:6 8:6
. A man who refused to marry a deceased brother's wife
disgraced by pulling off his shoes
De 25:9,10
. The right of redemption resigned by a man's giving one of
his shoes to the next of kin
Ru 4:7,8
- The Apostles prohibited from taking for their journey more,
than the pair they had on
Mt 10:10 Mr 6:9 Lu 10:4
. Of the preparation of the gospel
Eph 6:15
. Of the beauty conferred on saints
So 7:1 Lu 15:22
. (Having blood on,) of being engaged in war and slaughter
1Ki 2:5
. (Taken off,) of an ignominious and servile condition
Isa 47:2 Jer 2:25
. (Thrown over a place,) of subjection
Ps 60:8 108:9