中文内容 | - 历史悠久
赛 23:7 书 19:29
- 称为
. 西顿的居民 (女儿)
赛 23:12
. 他施的居民 (女儿)
赛 23:10
. 欢乐的城
赛 23:7
. 赐冠冕的城
赛 23:8
. 有名之城
结 26:17
- 位居海岛
结 26:17 27:4,25
- 防御坚固
书 19:29 撒下 24:7 结 26:17 亚 9:3
- 由君王统治
王上 5:1 耶 25:22
- 以下列事项知名
. 华美
结 27:3,4
. 贸易
赛 23:2,3 结 27:3,12-25
. 财富
结 27:33 28:4,5 亚 9:3
. 所造的船坚固而华丽
结 27:5-7
- 推罗的士兵来自波斯等国
结 27:10,11
- 推罗的居民
. 是靠海吃饭的人
结 26:17
. 是商人
赛 23:8
. 心高气傲
赛 23:9 结 28:2,17
. 骄傲自满
结 28:3-5
. 很迷信
耶 27:2,3,9
. 罪恶的
结 28:18
- 往往与他国联合对付犹太人, 见他们遭难就欢喜
诗 83:7 结 26:2 摩 1:9
- 大卫和所罗门都跟推罗结盟
王上 5:1 代下 2:3
- 供应
. 水手, 以协助所罗门的船队
王上 9:27 代下 8:18
. 建筑师, 以建圣殿
代下 2:7,13
. 石头和木材, 以建圣殿
王上 5:6,9 代下 2:8,9,16
. 木材, 以重建圣殿和圣城
拉 3:7
- 犹太人因为在安息日向推罗人买东西而受责备
尼 13:16
- 基督
. 间接提及推罗是邪恶的
太 11:21,22
. 到过推罗沿海地区
太 15:21 可 7:24
. 有许多推罗人跟随他
可 3:8 路 6:17
- 保罗在推罗找到门徒
徒 21:3,4
- 仰赖加利利供给粮食
徒 12:20
- 讨好希律
徒 12:20
- 关于推罗的预言
. 毁灭是因为妒忌犹太人
结 26:2
. 毁灭是因为骄傲
结 28:2-6
. 将来要被巴比伦王毁灭
赛 23:13,14 耶 27:3,6 结 26:7-13
. 推罗的民会移居其他国家
赛 23:6,12
. 要被刮净, 如同净光的磐石, 也要成为晒网的地方
结 26:3-5,14
. 巴比伦王会因为效劳攻打推罗, 而得到埃及作为酬谢的掳物
结 29:18-20
. 要成为荒场, 遭人遗忘七十年
赛 23:15
. 过了七十年, 会恢复过去的贸易盛况
赛 23:16,17
. 遭马其顿人攻打, 二度灭亡
结 27:32 28:7,8,18 亚 9:2-4
. 首城的断垣残壁要用来为推罗海岛的灭亡铺路
结 26:12
. 再也无法恢复盛况
结 26:21
. 推罗的民要被卖为奴隶, 是先前卖犹太人的报应
珥 3:4-8
. 万国见推罗灭亡就惊骇
结 26:15-18 27:29-36 亚 9:5
. 成为福音给人的赐福
诗 45:12 赛 23:18 |
内容 | - Antiquity of
Isa 23:7 Jos 19:29
. The daughter of Zidon
Isa 23:12
. The daughter of Tarshish
Isa 23:10
. The joyous city
Isa 23:7
. The crowning city
Isa 23:8
. The renowned city
Eze 26:17
- Insular position of
Eze 26:17 27:4,25
- Strongly fortified
Jos 19:29 2Sa 24:7 Eze 26:17 Zec 9:3
- Governed by kings
1Ki 5:1 Jer 25:22
. Its beauty
Eze 27:3,4
. Its commerce
Isa 23:2,3 Eze 27:3,12-25
. Its wealth
Eze 27:33 28:4,5 Zec 9:3
. Strength and beauty of its ships
Eze 27:5-7
- Soldiers of, supplied by Persia, &c
Eze 27:10,11
. Sea-faring men
Eze 26:17
. Mercantile men
Isa 23:8
. Proud and haughty
Isa 23:9 Eze 28:2,17
. Self-conceited
Eze 28:3-5
. Superstitious
Jer 27:2,3,9
. Wicked
Eze 28:18
- Often confederated against the Jews and rejoiced in their
Ps 83:7 Eze 26:2 Am 1:9
- David and Solomon formed alliances with
1Ki 5:1 2Ch 2:3
. Seamen for Solomon's navy
1Ki 9:27 2Ch 8:18
. A master-builder for the temple
2Ch 2:7,13
. Stones and timber for building the temple
1Ki 5:6,9 2Ch 2:8,9,16
. Timber for rebuilding the temple and city
Ezr 3:7
- The Jews condemned for purchasing from the people of, on the
Ne 13:16
. Alluded to the depravity of
Mt 11:21,22
. Visited the coasts of
Mt 15:21 Mr 7:24
. Was followed by many from
Mr 3:8 Lu 6:17
. Paul found disciples at
Ac 21:3,4
. Depended for provision upon Galilee
Ac 12:20
- Propitiated the favour of Herod
Ac 12:20
. Envy against the Jews a cause of its destruction
Eze 26:2
. Pride a cause of its destruction
Eze 28:2-6
. To be destroyed by the king of Babylon
Isa 23:13,14 Jer 27:3,6 Eze 26:7-13
. Inhabitants of, to emigrated to other countries
Isa 23:6,12
. To be scraped as the top of a rock, and to be a place for
the spreading nets
Eze 26:3-5,14
. The king of Babylon to be rewarded with the spoil of Egypt
for his service against
Eze 29:18-20
. To lie waste and be forgotten for seventy years
Isa 23:15
. Its restoration to commercial greatness after seventy years
Isa 23:16,17
. Its second destruction by the Macedonians
Eze 27:32 28:7,8,18 Zec 9:2-4
. The ruins of the first city to be employed in making a
causeway to effect the destruction of insular Tyre
Eze 26:12
. Never to recover its greatness
Eze 26:21
. Its inhabitants to be sold as slaves, as a recompence for
their selling the Jews
Joe 3:4-8
. All nations to be terrified at its destruction
Eze 26:15-18 27:29-36 Zec 9:5
. To participated in the blessings of the gospel
Ps 45:12 Isa 23:18