内容 | - Christ set an example of
Joh 7:26
- Is through faith in Christ
Eph 3:12 Heb 10:19
- A characteristic of saints
Pr 28:1
. Trust in God
Isa 50:7
. The fear of God
Ac 4:19 5:29
. Faithfulness to God
1Ti 3:13
- Express your trust in God with
Heb 13:6
- Have, in prayer
Eph 3:12 Heb 4:16
- Saints shall have, in judgment
1Jo 4:17
- Exhortations to
Jos 1:7 2Ch 19:11 Jer 1:8 Eze 3:9
- Pray for
Ac 4:29 Eph 6:19,20
. Faithfulness to their people
2Co 7:4 10:1
. Preaching
Ac 4:31 Php 1:14
. Reproving sin
Isa 58:1 Mic 3:8
. The face of opposition
Ac 13:46 1Th 2:2
- Exemplified
. Abraham
Ge 18:22-32
. Jacob
Ge 32:24-29
. Moses
Ex 32:31,32 33:18
. Aaron
Nu 16:47,48
. David
1Sa 17:45
. Elijah
1Ki 18:15,18
. Nehemiah
Ne 6:11
. Shadrach
Da 3:17,18
. Daniel
Da 6:10
. Joseph of Arimathaea
Mr 15:43
. Peter and John
Ac 4:8-13
. Stephen
Ac 7:51
. Paul
Ac 9:27,29 19:8
. Barnabas
Ac 14:3
. Apollos
Ac 18:26