中文内容 | -(拉班的女儿, 最受雅各宠爱的妻子)
创 29:9-12
-雅各为了娶拉结为妻, 额外侍奉拉班七年
创 29:15-30
创 29:31
-由于不孕而忧伤; 给她婢女给雅各作妾, 好生下她名下的儿女
创 30:1-8,15,22-34
-后来又能生育; 生了
创 30:22-25
创 35:16-18,24
创 31:4,14-19,33-35
创 35:18-20 48:7 撒上 10:2
内容 | -(Daughter of Laban and the favorite wife of Jacob)
-Meets Jacob at a well
Ge 29:9-12
-Jacob serves Laban for an additional seven years to obtain her
as his wife
Ge 29:15-30
-Sterility of
Ge 29:31
-Her grief in consequence of her sterility; gives her maid, to
Jacob in order to obtain children in her own name
Ge 30:1-8,15,22-34
-Later productiveness of; becomes the mother of
Ge 30:22-25
Ge 35:16-18,24
-Steals the household images (teraphim, legal deed) of her
Ge 31:4,14-19,33-35
-Her death and burial
Ge 35:18-20 48:7 1Sa 10:2