- 00:17 1.
An Easy Start for the Study of the Hebrew Bible 學習希伯來語聖經的簡易入門Interesting Hebrew (X)有趣的希伯來語 (十)
- 06:28 2.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 04:23 3.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 05:08 4.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 04:28 5.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 03:21 6.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 00:54 7.
Verb: Perfect & Imperfect
- 02:43 8.
Slide 102
- 01:55 9.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 04:13 10.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 02:58 11.
Perfect Verb / Finding Verbs in the Scriptures
- 01:09 12.
Perfect Ending 完成式的字尾
- 00:53 13.
Slide 105
- 00:11 14.
Aprende Hebreo mientras CantasApprenez l'Hébreu en ChantantLerne Hebräisch beim Singen노래하며 배우는 히브리어唱歌來學習希伯來語Learn HebrewWhile Singing (IV)
- 03:58 15.
- 03:11 16.
Psalm 16:8-9
- 00:15 17.
民數記 6:24-26 願耶和華賜福給你、保護你. 願耶和華使他的臉光照你、賜恩給你. 願耶和華向你仰臉、賜你平安.