- 02:18 1.
New Testament Greek (9)新約希臘文
- 08:27 2.
Introduction to Verb 動詞介紹-In declension, a word is inflected according to case, gender, and number. 名詞變化是按照格、性別、數而改變.-Verb inflection, i.e. conjugation is much more complicated. A verb is inflected according to mood, tense, voice, person, and number. 動詞的變化是更為複雜,按照情緒、時態、語氣、人稱和數來改變.-To catch up verbs in the Greek New Testament, the best way is to understand ‘formative elements’ affixed in verbs. A ‘formative element’ is a morpheme (詞素) that serves as an affix(詞綴), not as a base, or root, in word formation. We will collect frequently recurring ‘formative elements’ inside the Biblical text, while we are reading it.
- 02:26 3.
<Morpheme> from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MorphemeIn linguistics, a morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit in a language. The field of study dedicated to morphemes is called morphology. A morpheme is not identical to a word, and the principal difference between the two is that a morpheme may or may not stand alone, whereas a word, by definition, is freestanding. When it stands by itself, it is considered a root because it has a meaning of its own (e.g. the morpheme cat) and when it depends on another morpheme to express an idea, it is an affix because it has a grammatical function (e.g. the –s in cats to specify that it is plural). Every word comprises one or more morphemes.
- 12:17 4.
Factors in Verb Conjugation 動詞變化的因素Mood (the relationship between the verb and reality) Indicative, Subjunctive 假設, Imperative命令 *Infinitive 不定詞, Participle 分詞Tense: Present 現在式, Future 未來式, Imperfect 未完成式, Aorist 不定過去式Aspect (type of action) 動態(行動類型) : Continuous (ongoing process) 持續性(進行式), Un-definite (simple event) 不定性(單一事件), Perfect 完成式.*Perfect: an action that was completed but has effects carrying into the present. 完成式︰一個已經完成的行動,持續到現在仍舊有效Voice 語態 / 語氣(主詞與動詞的關係): Active 主動式, Passive 被動式, Middle 中間式–新約聖經內75%的中間式是 Deponent verb – a verb that is middle or passive in form but active in meaning. Person 人稱: 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person. 第一、第二、第三人稱Number 數: singular, plural. 單數、複數
- 06:15 5.
Factors in Verb Conjugation 動詞變化的因素Tense Formatives:時態形式Future active & middle: -σ- 未來主動與中間語態Future passive: -θησ- 未來被動Aorist active & middle: - σα- 不定過去主動與中間Aorist passive: -θη- 不定過去被動Verb structure: augment (prefix) + stem (root) + tense formative + ending. 動詞結構:加增(前置詞)+ 莖(字根)+ 時態度 + 結尾 Conneting Vowel (a vowel between the stem or tense formative of a verb and its ending): 連接母音(在字根或動詞時態與結尾之間的母音)ο before μ, ν.(μ, ν之前的ο)ε before other letters. 其他字母前的ε
- 04:55 6.
<Verb Endings>動詞結尾