02769 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
2769 keration {ker-at'-ee-on} 源自可能是 2768 的衍生字; 中性名詞 欽定本 - husk 1; 1 1) 角豆莢 角豆樹的莢形狀如角,有甜味,用來給豬添肥,但是低階層人的食物. ( 路 15:16 ) |
02769 κεράτιον, ου, τό 名詞 κέρας的小詞,「小角」;複數,指角豆樹的果實角豆莢, 路15:16 。* 說明 |
2769 keration {ker-at'-ee-on} from a presumed derivative of 2768;; n n AV - husk 1; 1 1) a little horn 2) the name of the fruit, Ceratonia silqua or carobtree (called also John's Bread [from the notion that its pods, which resemble those of the "locust", constituted the food of the Baptist]. This fruit was shaped like a horn and has a sweet taste; it was and is used not only for fattening swine, but as an article of food by the lower classes. |