00745 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
745 Archelaos {ar-khel'-ah-os} 源自 757 與 2994; 陽性專有名詞 欽定本 - Archelaus 1; 1 亞基老 = "人民的王子" 1) 希律大帝之子,為猶大,撒瑪利亞,以土買的分封王,生性兇殘, 後被奧古思都皇帝所貶謫 ( 太2:22 ) |
00745 Ἀρχέλαος, ου, ὁ 人名 「亞基老」。一個普通的名字;出現於新約中,是希律一世的兒子,自主前四年他父親死後到主後六年統治猶太,以土買及撒瑪利亞,於主後六年被奧古斯丁皇帝廢除;他以殘忍著名, 太2:22 。* 說明 |
745 Archelaos {ar-khel'-ah-os} from 757 and 2994;; n pr m AV - Archelaus 1; 1 Archelaus = "prince of the people" 1) A son of Herod the Great by Malthace, the Samaritan woman. He and his brother Antipas were brought up with a certain private man in Rome. After the death of his father, he ruled as ethnarch over Judaea, Samaria and Idumaea, (with the exception of the cities of Gaza, Gadara and Hipo). The Jews and the Samaritans having accused him at Rome of tyranny, he was banished by the emperor Augustus to Vienna of the Allobroges and died there. |