00446 ![]() 說明:CBOL原文字典以並列的英文字典內容為根據,但是參考了希伯來文 與希臘文字典作過修正補充刪減。因此內容與英文字典不同,敬請留意。 |
0446 anthupatos {anth-oo'-pat-os} 源自 473 與 5228 的最高級; 陽性名詞 欽定本 - deputy 4; 4 1) 總督 |
00446 ἀνθύπατος, ου, ὁ 名詞 「省長,方伯」。羅馬帝國時代一省的最高長官。指塞蒲路斯(居比路)的士求保羅, 徒13:7 ,參 徒13:8,12 ;或亞該亞的迦流, 徒18:12 ;參 徒19:38 。* 說明 |
0446 anthupatos {anth-oo'-pat-os} from 473 and a superlative of 5228;; n m AV - deputy 4; 4 1) a proconsul 1a) the emperor Augustus divided the Roman provinces into senatorial and imperial. The former were governed by proconsuls; the later by legates of the emperor, sometimes called propraetors |