中文内容 | -所罗门的殿
王下 11:10
诗 79:1 代上 29:3
代上 29:2 代下 23:9
代下 23:5,12 耶 28:5
约 2:16
赛 2:3
赛 60:7
赛 56:7 太 21:13
代下 7:12
代下 36:17
赛 64:11
赛 27:13
赛 2:2
代上 29:1,19
代下 20:8
代下 24:6
诗 20:2 48:12 74:2 87:2 赛 2:3
代下 2:5,6
赛 64:11
王上 8:10 9:3 哀 1:10 太 23:17 约 2:14-16
撒下 7:2,3 代上 22:7 28:2 诗 132:2-5 徒 7:46
.上帝不许, 因为大卫是好战的人
撒下 7:4-12 王上 5:3 代上 22:8 28:3
撒下 7:7
撒下 7:13
代上 22 28:14-18 29:1-5 代下 3:1 5:1
徒 7:47
王上 5:13-16 代下 2:2,17,18
王上 5:8-18
王上 6 7:13-51 代上 28:11-19 代下 3:1-17 4:1-22
徒 7:47
王上 6:1,37 代下 3:2
王上 6:38
代上 21:28-30 22:1 代下 3:1
创 22:2,4
王上 5:17,18
王上 6:7
王上 5:17,18 路 21:5
.内殿 (至圣所)
王上 6:19,20 8:6
代下 3:8 来 9:3
王上 6:27
王上 6:16,19-35 代下 3:8-14 4:22
代下 3:8-10
王上 6:19 8:6 代下 5:2-10
王上 6:23-28 代下 3:10-13 5:7,8
.见 约柜
.见 基路伯
.见 幔子
.见 施恩座
王上 8:8,10
代下 3:5
王上 6:17
王上 6:15-18 代下 3:3,5-7,14-17
王上 7:48 代下 29:18
.见 陈设饼 , 摆放陈设饼的桌子
代上 28:16 代下 4:18,19
王上 7:49,50 代上 28:15 代下 4:7,20-22
.见 灯台
王上 6:20 7:48,50 代上 28:17,18 代下 4:19,22
.见 祭坛 , 香坛
代下 15:8
王上 6:3 代下 3:4
代下 29:7
代下 3:4
王上 7:15-22 王下 11:14 23:3 25:17 代下 3:15-17
代下 4:12,13
王上 6:5-10 王下 11:2,3
尼 10:37-39
.见 库房
代下 4:9
王上 6:36
王上 6:36 7:12
代下 15:8
.见 祭坛
王上 7:23-37,44,46 代下 4:2-5,10
王上 7:38-46 代下 4:6
代下 4:9 耶 19:14 26:2
王下 16:18
王下 15:35
耶 26:10 36:10
徒 3:2
.东门, 工作日关闭, 安息日敞开
结 46:1,12
代下 24:8-11
王上 8:10,11,13 9:3 王下 21:7 代上 29:1 代下 5:13,14
代下 7:1-3,16 结 10:3,4 弥 1:2
王上 8:21
代下 2:4
代下 2:4
王上 8 王下 19:14,15 代下 30:27 赛 27:13 56:7
耶 7:2 26:2 结 46:2,3,9 亚 7:2,3 8:21,22 可 11:17
路 1:10 2:37 18:10 徒 3:1 22:17
王上 8:38 但 6:10 拿 2:4
王下 11:10 代下 23:9,10
王下 11:15 尼 6:10,11
王上 8 代下 5 6:1-42 7:1-22
代上 15:16 23:24
王上 14:25,26
王下 14:13-14
王下 12:4-14 代下 24:7-14
王下 22:3-7 代下 34:8-13
王下 16:10-17
代下 29:15-19
王下 21:4-7 代下 33:4-7
王上 15:18
王下 12:18
王下 18:15,16
结 8:16
太 23:16-22
.遭尼布甲尼撒摧毁, 贵重物品被掳至巴比伦
王下 24:13 25:9-17 代下 36:7,19 诗 79:1 赛 64:11
耶 27:16,19-22 28:3 52:13,17-23 哀 2:7 4:1 拉 1:7
但 5:2,3
赛 64:10 耶 27:18-22 结 7:22,25 太 24:2 可 13:2
.古列王 (塞鲁士) 下令复原圣殿
拉 1:7-11
拉 1 2:68,69 3:2-13 4:1-24 5:2-17 6:3-5 尼 7:70-72
赛 44:28 该 2:3
拉 4
拉 4:24 5:1-17 6:1-22 该 1:2-9 2:15 亚 8:9
拉 6:14,15
拉 6:15-18
拉 7:11-28 8:25-34
赛 44:28 但 8:13,14 该 1:1-15 2:1-23 亚 1:16 4:8-10
亚 6:12-15 8:9-15 玛 3:1
结 37:26,28 40:48
约 2:20
可 13:1 路 21:5
太 24:1
徒 3:10
约 10:23 徒 3:11 5:12
可 12:41-44
路 1:5-23 1:57-64
.根据律法与习俗, 耶稣被带到圣殿
路 2:21-39
路 2:25-35
路 2:36,37
路 2:46
.耶稣受魔鬼试探时, 被带到殿顶上
太 4:5-7 路 4:9-12
可 11:27-33 12:35-44 14:49 约 5:14-17 7:14-28 8:1-59 10:23-38 18:20
太 21:14,15
太 21:12,13 可 11:15-17 路 19:45,46 约 2:15,16
.守殿官 (即圣殿的安全警卫)
路 22:52 徒 4:1 5:24,26
太 27:5
.耶稣受钉刑时, 圣殿的幔子裂为两半
太 27:51
.耶稣复活后, 门徒在圣殿里敬拜
路 24:53 徒 2:46 3:1
徒 3:1-16
徒 5:20,21,42
徒 22:17-21
徒 21:26-30
徒 21:33
但 8:11-15 11:30,31
太 24 可 13:2 路 21:6
太 26:61 27:40 约 2:19
林前 3:16,17 林后 6:16
.教会 (基督的身体)
弗 2:21 帖后 2:4 启 3:12
启 11 14:15,17
.基督, 教会(他的社群, 他的身体)的头, 参
弗 1:22,23 西 1:18,24
启 15:5-8 16:1-17
撒上 5:2
王上 12:31,33
王下 5:18
王下 10:21,27
代下 36:7 但 1:2
徒 19:27
撒上 31:10 代上 10:9,10 但 1:2
.见 帐幕 |
2Ki 11:10
Ps 79:1
1Ch 29:3
1Ch 29:2 2Ch 23:9
2Ch 23:5,12 Jer 28:5
Joh 2:16
Isa 2:3
Isa 60:7
Isa 56:7 Mt 21:13
2Ch 7:12
2Ch 36:17
Isa 64:11
Isa 27:13
Isa 2:2
1Ch 29:1,19
2Ch 20:8
2Ch 24:6
Ps 20:2 48:12 74:2 87:2 Isa 2:3
.Greatness of
2Ch 2:5,6
.Beauty of
Isa 64:11
.Holiness of
1Ki 8:10 9:3 La 1:10 Mt 23:17 Joh 2:14-16
.David undertakes the building of
2Sa 7:2,3 1Ch 22:7 28:2 Ps 132:2-5 Ac 7:46
.Forbidden by God because David was a man of war
2Sa 7:4-12 1Ki 5:3 1Ch 22:8 28:3
.Not asked for by God
2Sa 7:7
.The building of, committed to Solomon
2Sa 7:13
.David makes preparation for
1Ch 22 28:14-18 29:1-5 2Ch 3:1 5:1
.Built by Solomon
Ac 7:47
.Solomon drafts men for the building of
1Ki 5:13-16 2Ch 2:2,17,18
.Materials for, furnished by Hiram
1Ki 5:8-18
.Pattern and building of
1Ki 6 7:13-51 1Ch 28:11-19 2Ch 3 4 Ac 7:47
.The time when begun
1Ki 6:1,37 2Ch 3:2
.The time when finished
1Ki 6:38
.Site of
1Ch 21:28-30 22:1 2Ch 3:1
.Where Abraham offered Isaac
Ge 22:2,4
.Materials prepared for
1Ki 5:17,18
.No tools used in the erection of
1Ki 6:7
.Foundations of
1Ki 5:17,18 Lu 21:5
.Apartments and furnishings of
.The oracle (Holy of Holies) in
1Ki 6:19,20 8:6
2Ch 3:8
1Ki 6:27
Heb 9:3
.Description of
1Ki 6:16,19-35 2Ch 3:8-14 4:22
.Gold used in
2Ch 3:8-10
.Contents of the Holy of Holies
.The ark of the covenant
1Ki 6:19 8:6 2Ch 5:2-10
.The cherubs
1Ki 6:23-28 2Ch 3:10-13 5:7,8
.See ARK
.See CHERUBIM (cherubs)
.See VAIL (curtain)
.The holy place
1Ki 8:8,10
2Ch 3:5
.Called TEMPLE
1Ki 6:17
.Description of
1Ki 6:15-18 2Ch 3:3,5-7,14-17
.Contents of the Holy Place
.The Table of Shewbread
1Ki 7:48 2Ch 29:18
.Other tables of gold and silver
1Ch 28:16 2Ch 4:18,19
.The lampstands and their utensils
1Ki 7:49,50 1Ch 28:15 2Ch 4:7,20-22
.See CANDLESTICK (lampstand)
.The Altar of Incense, and its furniture
1Ki 6:20 7:48,50 1Ch 28:17,18 2Ch 4:19,22
.Porch of, called PORCH OF THE LORD
2Ch 15:8
.Dimensions of
1Ki 6:3 2Ch 3:4
.Doors of
2Ch 29:7
.Overlaid with gold
2Ch 3:4
.Pillars of
1Ki 7:15-22 2Ki 11:14 23:3 25:17 2Ch 3:15-17 4:12,13
.Chambers of
1Ki 6:5-10 2Ki 11:2,3
.Offerings brought to
Ne 10:37-39
.Treasuries in
.Courts of
.Of the priests
2Ch 4:9
1Ki 6:36
.Surrounded by rows of stones and cedar beams
1Ki 6:36 7:12
.Contents of the courtyards
.The Altar of Burnt Offering
2Ch 15:8
.The bronze sea
1Ki 7:23-37,44,46 2Ch 4:2-5,10
.The ten lavers
1Ki 7:38-46 2Ch 4:6
.The great courtyard of
2Ch 4:9 Jer 19:14 26:2
.The covered place for the Sabbath and king's entry
2Ki 16:18
.Gates of
.Higher gate
2Ki 15:35
.New gate
Jer 26:10 36:10
.Beautiful gate
Ac 3:2
.Eastern gate, closed on working days, open on the Sabbath
Eze 46:1,12
.Gifts received at
2Ch 24:8-11
.Uses of the temple
.A dwelling place of the Lord
1Ki 8:10,11,13 9:3 2Ki 21:7 1Ch 29:1 2Ch 5:13,14 7:1-3,16 Eze 10:3,4 Mic 1:2
.To contain the ark of the covenant
1Ki 8:21
.For the offering of sweet incense
2Ch 2:4
.For the continual shewbread and the burnt offerings
2Ch 2:4
.For prayer and worship
1Ki 8 2Ki 19:14,15 2Ch 30:27 Isa 27:13 56:7 Jer
7:2 26:2 Eze 46:2,3,9 Zec 7:2,3 8:21,22 Mr 11:17 Lu 1:10 2:37 18:10 Ac 3:1 22:17
.Prayer made toward
1Ki 8:38 Da 6:10 Jon 2:4
.For an armory
2Ki 11:10 2Ch 23:9,10
.For refuge
2Ki 11:15 Ne 6:10,11
.Facts about
.Dedication of
1Ki 8 2Ch 5 6 7
.Services in, organized by David
1Ch 15:16 23:24
.Pillaged by Shishak
1Ki 14:25,26
.By Jehoash, king of Israel
2Ki 14:14
.Repaired by Jehoash, king of Judah
2Ki 12:4-14 2Ch 24:7-14
.By Josiah
2Ki 22:3-7 2Ch 34:8-13
.Ahaz changes the pattern of the altar in
2Ki 16:10-17
.Purified by Hezekiah
2Ch 29:15-19
.Converted into an idolatrous shrine by Manasseh
2Ki 21:4-7 2Ch 33:4-7
.Treasures of, used in the purchase of peace
.By Asa, from Ben-hadad
1Ki 15:18
.By Jehoash, king of Judah, from Hazael
2Ki 12:18
.By Hezekiah, from the king of Assyria
2Ki 18:15,16
.Ezekiel's vision concerning
Eze 8:16
.Jews swore by
Mt 23:16-22
.Destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, and the valuable contents
carried to Babylon
2Ki 24:13 25:9-17 2Ch 36:7,19 Ps 79:1 Isa 64:11 Jer
27:16,19-22 28:3 52:13,17-23 La 2:7 4:1 Ezr 1:7
.Vessels of, used by Belshazzar
Da 5:2,3
.Destruction of, foretold
Isa 66:6 Jer 27:18-22 Eze 7:22,25 Mt 24:2 Mr 13:2
.Restoration of, ordered by Cyrus
Ezr 1:7-11
.Restored by Zerubbabel
Ezr 1 2:68,69 3:2-13 4 5:2-17 6:3-5 Ne 7:70-72 Isa
44:28 Hag 2:3
.Building of, suspended
Ezr 4
Ezr 4:24 5 6 Hag 1:2-9 2:15 Zec 8:9
Ezr 6:14,15
Ezr 6:15-18
.Artaxerxes' favorable action toward
Ezr 7:11-28 8:25-34
.Prophecies of its restoration
Isa 44:28 Da 8:13,14 Hag 1 2 Zec 1:16 4:8-10 6:12-15 8:9-15 Mal 3:1
Eze 37:26,28 40:48
.46 Years in building
Joh 2:20
.Very beautiful stones of
Mr 13:1 Lu 21:5
.Magnificence of
Mt 24:1
.The Beautiful Gate
Ac 3:10
.Solomon's Porch (portico)
Joh 10:23 Ac 3:11 5:12
.Treasury of
Mr 12:41-44
.Zacharias, officiating priest in, has a vision of an angel;
receives promise of a son
Lu 1:5-23 1:57-64
.Jesus brought to, according to the law and custom
Lu 2:21-39
.Simeon blesses the infant Jesus in
Lu 2:25-35
.Anna, the prophetess, lives in
Lu 2:36,37
.Jesus in, when a youth
Lu 2:46
.Jesus taken to the pinnacle of, during his temptation
Mt 4:5-7 Lu 4:9-12
.Jesus teaches in
Mr 11:27-33 12:35-44 14:49 Joh 5:14-17 7:14-28 8 10:23-38 18:20
.Jesus performs miracles in
Mt 21:14,15
.Jesus expels money-exchangers from
Mt 21:12,13 Mr 11:15-17 Lu 19:45,46 Joh 2:15,16
.Captains of (i. e. the temple security guard)
Lu 22:52 Ac 4:1 5:24,26
.Judas casts down the pieces of silver in
Mt 27:5
.Curtain of, torn at the time of the crucifixion
Mt 27:51
.The disciples worship in, after the resurrection
Lu 24:53 Ac 2:46 3:1
.Peter heals the lame man at the gate of
Ac 3:1-16
.Disciples preach in
Ac 5:20,21,42
.Paul's vision in
Ac 22:17-21
.Paul observes the rights of
Ac 21:26-30
.Paul is apprehended in
Ac 21:33
.Prophecies concerning its destruction, by Daniel
Da 8:11-15 11:30,31
.Jesus foretells the destruction of
Mt 24 Mr 13:2 Lu 21:6
.Of the corpse of Jesus
Mt 26:61 27:40 Joh 2:19
.Of the indwelling of God
1Co 3:16,17 2Co 6:16
.Of the ekklesia (body of Christ)
Eph 2:21 2Th 2:4 Re 3:12
.Of the kingdom of Christ
Re 11 14:15,17
.Of Christ, the head of the ekklesia (his community, his
body, cf
Eph 1:22,23 Col 1:18,24
.Sending forth the forces of righteousness against the powers
of evil
Re 15:5-8 16:1-17
.Of Dagon, at Ashdod
1Sa 5:2
.Of the calves, at Beth-el
1Ki 12:31,33
.Of Rimmon, at Damascus
2Ki 5:18
.Of Baal, at Samaria
2Ki 10:21,27
.At Babylon
2Ch 36:7 Da 1:2
.Of Diana (Artemis), at Ephesus
Ac 19:27
.Trophies stored in
1Sa 31:10 1Ch 10:9,10 Da 1:2